Monday, July 30, 2007

Run Lola Run - Full Viewing

31st July 2007
What happens?
Lola and Manni's fate changes they are able to get the 100,000 marks for Ronnie

What images stand out to you?
Lola's constant running the use of the cartoon sequences

Your thoughts.
This film did not turn out as bad as i thought it would when i first saw the start of it it explores a very interesting idea.

Why do you think Mrs Cleary chose this film?
Because it has to do with fate and this may be an important theme that our class will be studying this year

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Run Lola Run

Monday July 30th 2007

So far I have not enjoyed this movie. I find constantly reading subtitles a tiring and tedious task and do not enjoy participating in this activity. However I am optimistic that the movie will soon improve as we delve deeper into the story line and once we have a grasp on the concept or meaning behind the film and characters.

What makes a good film?

Friday 27th July 2007

What makes a good film?
A good film consists of good directing, good acting and overall a good theme or storyline.
There are also additonal components that make up the film and determine whether it is a good film or not such as the content eg violence, drug use, sexual reference and so on.
Plus the format or style the film is executed by eg does the film use contemporary and edgy camera movement/angles/techniques? Or is it slow and tedious?
For me the time duration is also a key part of what makes a good film eg must be longer than 1 and1/2 hours but no longer than 3 hours (maximum).
But overall the ending must be a definite end.