Sunday, October 21, 2007

Symbolism in Poems

Describe important symbols in the texts you have studied and analyse how the symbols helped develop important ideas.

In the poems 'Valentine' and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy much emphasis is put on the use of symbolism to develop important ideas. In 'Valentine' an onion is used as an unconventional symbol of love. It develops the idea of love with the help of effective language techniques throughout the poem. In 'War Photographer' the photographs represent symbols of suffering and red is recognised as colour symbolism of blood, and the light.

In the poem 'Valentine' by Carol Ann Duffy the central theme of love is developed by the use of an extended metaphor throughout the poem. This extende metaphor is saying that an onion is love. The onion symbolises love in a more realistic way or in a less fairytale like sense. For instance the smell of the onion "Lethal.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
Cling to your knife" this quote shows that the smell of an onion lingers a while, it will not go away just like love. Love can also be deadly or dangerous. Sometimes people do dangerous things in acts of love. Like the sting of onions. "It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light". Simply means the 'brown paper' is the outer skin of the onion, the comparison also supports the idea of a gift. The reference to the 'moon' is common in romantic poetry, it 'promises light' like the moon, and perhaps, like the optimism at the beginning of a new relationship.

Another key idea is in the text 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy. The central theme of people suffering is developed by the use of the photos themselves. This theme is further developed by making a social justice comment on the media whom are making a profit from other peoples suffering. The quote "spools of suffering" puts emphasis by describing the terrible photos/images of war. Another quote like "a hundred agonies" is a deliberate exaggeration of the pictures. The poet uses the photos to symbolise what is seen through the eyes of the war photographer. She feels that many people do not fully understand the psychological and mental factors that a war photographer exposes themselves to in order to satisfy the needs of the general public and earn a living. People in out society probably only know of the glamourous side of war photography like the travel and high pay, not of how much that these people endanger themselves by.

Similarly both of these poems look deeply into some very important themes. The poet (Carol Ann Duffy) uses symbolism with the objects like an onion and photographs to develop these ideas. The main focus being to open the eyes of the reader and to make them think more deeply about the world they live in.

In conclusion Carol Ann Duffy has a very diverse and unique ability to express important ideas with the help of effective symbolism associated with a particular object. Powerfully capturing the essence required to really manipulate and reflect the views of society.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Key Theme in Novel + Development

Task - What do you consider to be the key theme in the novel. How is the theme developed in the novel.

In the novel ‘The Five People You Meet In Heaven’ written by Mitch Albom the reader is introduced to many themes that the author gets us to think about deeply. The theme that I consider to be most important or key theme is the idea of fate and how we are all connected. This theme is developed through the usage of continuity right from the start to the end. There are three key elements of the novel that help develop the theme of fate and how we are all connected, they are- Eddie’s death at the beginning and the resolution at the end, the use of flashbacks and Eddie’s birthdays which act as a clever linking device.

Firstly, Eddie’s death at the beginning of the novel clearly establishes the theme of fate and how we are all connected in some way. In the introduction to the story the author uses an almost obvious foreshadowing technique by giving the reader hints of the events to come. Within the first lines we are told that ‘This is a story about a man named Eddie and it begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun’. This first line clearly establishes a sense of mystery regarding to how Eddie dies and instantly captures the reader’s attention. This quote mainly deals with the idea of fate and of what is to come.

Another element is the usage of flashbacks that take Eddie back to his past, it is then that Eddie realizes his connection to the five people he meets in heaven. For example Eddie did not know who the Blue man was, but it turned out that Eddie had once known him at a young age, as he had worked at Ruby Pier (where Eddie had spent most of his life) but most importantly Eddie had caused the Blue man’s death without realizing it. It is therefore somewhat ironic that the Blue man is required to teach Eddie the idea of fate and “That we are all connected”.

Eddie’s birthdays are an important linking device that also develops the key theme on fate and how we are all connected. Eddie’s birthdays have the similar advantage of the usage of flashbacks, they give the reader a chance to pick up clues on past events that they may not have considered before or develop their understanding further of the key theme. For example on many of Eddie’s birthdays we learn about his connection to other characters in the text especially the less familiar ones he knew on earth like the Blue man, Ruby and Tala.

The resolution at the end develops the idea of fate and how we are all connected really well. Nicky, the young man whom lost his key was actually the one of the people who caused Eddie’s death when his key s got caught in the amusement park ride (Freddy’s Free Fall). We learn that Nicky is the great grandson of Ruby and that a little girl named Amy or Annie was the reason Eddie sacrificed himself for and will meet Eddie when she dies to understand one of the secrets of heaven and ‘why she lived and what she lived for’. The key phrase in the ending that truly establishes and gets the reader to think about the main theme (fate and how we are all connected) is the phrase on page 208 on the last 3 lines ‘That each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one’.

In conclusion the key theme of ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’ is the idea of fate and how we are all connected. This theme is developed continuously by the author’s clever placement of various narrative techniques, styles and devices. Mainly by the use of constant flashbacks, Eddie’s birthdays plus the introduction and resolution is what makes the novel get a grasp of the reader and make them think more deeply about this theme and the world that they exist in. That it really is a small world after all.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Essay Topic: Eddie's Relationship with Minor Characters

Describe the main character of the text you have studied and analyse his relationship with at least two other characters.

In the novel ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’ by Mitch Albom, the main character, Eddie, has developed some interesting relationships with the other characters in the novel. In this essay I am going to analyse Eddie’s relationship with the Blue man, Marguerite and Tala. These characters play an important role in the story and their relationship with Eddie helps him to better understand his life on earth and his journey to self discovery.

The first character that plays an important role in the story is Joseph Corvelzchik, better known as the Blue man. He helps Eddie to understand that everything in life is connected. Eddie soon learns that he was the cause of the Blue man’s death at a very young age, where Eddie ran out onto the road to collect his baseball causing a fatal car accident that tragically took the Blue man’s life. He also tries to help Eddie to understand that there are “no random acts in life” that all things, both in life and death situations, happen for a reason.

The second character that plays an important role in the story and was very much loved by Eddie was Marguerite, his wife. She taught Eddie that memories live on and that love does not die just because the person dies it is something that can still be felt in a spiritual state of mind. The quote on page 185 clearly declares this idea and the bond between Eddie and Marguerite’s everlasting love “I was still in love with you”
“I know” she nodded. “I felt it”
“Here?” he asked.
“Everywhere” she said “that’s how strong lost love can be”.

The third character that plays a symbolic role in the story is Tala, the little Philippine girl that Eddie was not able to save during the war. Eddie believed his life was worthless although after his death when he meets Tala and realizes that his duty in life was to look after the children and keep them safe. The symbolic imagery used towards the end of the novel of Eddie washing away Tala’s burns reinforces this idea and his relationship to Tala helps him to understand what his role was in life, he was the keeper for young children, despite never having any of his own.

In conclusion Eddie’s relationships with the Blue man, Marguerite and Tala are all significant and each of these unique relationships helped him to better understand himself in some way. He learnt that everything in life happens for a reason, love never dies and that his duty in life was to look after young children. Eddie believed his life was worthless but after his death and during his time in heaven it is revealed to him from these three characters and another two ( the Captain & Ruby) that his life was full of meaning after all.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thoughts on Eddie

What do you think of Eddie?
Do you feel sorry for him?
Do you like or dislike his character? Explain.

I think Eddie is a very understanding and genuine character whom is often misunderstood by others or sometimes even himself.

In some parts of the novel i do tend to feel sorry for him at times. He seems to be unaware of how much he has meant to some of the people in his life and how much they appreciated him.

I like his character. He has come from a very dysfunctional upbringing or family life yet he has been able to forgive those whom have sinned against him which is one characteristic that is very admirable.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Lessons Learnt

Choose 1 of the 5 lessons that Eddie learns.
What does he learn?
What are your thoughts on this lesson? Why?

i chose the lesson that Eddie learns from the Blue Man.
he learns that everything is connected and that their is "no random acts in life" that everything happens for a reason.
I think that we are all connected is a theme very similar to the film we have have studied this year 'Run Lola Run' i think that a lot of people believe that everything happens for a reason in a physical sense but not in a spiritual frame of mind.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ideas of Heaven

What traditional/fairy tale or mythical idea of heaven do you have?
(You do not have to believe in Heaven to have an image of it)
How does the heaven in the novel relate to this?

i think a lot of traditions, fairy tales and myths have an idea that heaven is up in the sky above, in the clouds and their is a golden gate that determines whether you are worthy of entering heaven. if you are, the gate opens, if you are not the gate remaind shut.
some christian beliefs think that sinners who do not ask for forgiveness go to hell or are homosexuals go to hell. But people are buried underground, so maybe heaven is deep underground?

the heaven in the novel does not quite meet the stereotypical elements of what heaven is, but reflecting on your life is something that is often said through traditions, fairy tales and myths of what happens when you go to heaven.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Film Title - Run Lola Run
Lola Run Director - Tom Tykwer
Analyse how one or more of the following helped you understand a main character or individual: - costume, make-up, soundtrack, cinematography or voice.

In the movie "Run Lola Run" directed by Tom Tykwer two very important elements of the film were used to help me to better understand the main character, Lola. Their was the type of cinematography used throughout the film and Lola’s costume which were two key parts that stood out to me in understanding Lola’s individuality.

Firstly, the cinematography used throughout this film was very different from the standard structure of a majority of mainstream films. It used many contemporary editing techniques, camera movements, shots and angles which gave the whole film a modern edge for it’s time and made it stand out in comparison to other, conventional films. A good example of this is the scenes in the opening sequence where the viewer is drawn into an old clock, is then taken to an animated scene which transitions into a birds eye view of a town. The camera movement becomes extremely fast-paced and jumpy where we unexpectantly meet Lola. One camera movement I liked was the 360° turn as she is thinking of who can help her. Her uniqueness ties in well with the distinctive cinematography.

Another key element that helped me understand Lola better was her appearance or the costume design. Her costume gave Lola a rebellious, diverse and determined image. Another part of the costume design was her fiery, red hair which contributed to my understanding that Lola was a passionate, strong willed and dedicated heroine. Unlike your typical emotionally challenged, radiant and damsel in distress female lead of most films. Lola’s scruffy combat trousers, boots, singlet and untamed or wild red hair all add to her abnormal appearance and presence which helped me immensely understand scenes such as the casino scene and why she was discriminated by the other people in the building. To my understanding it was because she, in contrast, did not meet the formal dress code or appearance required by all customers at the casino.

In conclusion, the cinematography used was very distinctive, fast-paced and unusual for the time which is why it matched so well with Lola and her original characteristics and presence and helped immeasurably with my understanding of Lola. There was also the costume design which appropriately and perfectly executed the representation of Lola and her outcast - of - society tactics.