Monday, August 27, 2007

Lessons Learnt

Choose 1 of the 5 lessons that Eddie learns.
What does he learn?
What are your thoughts on this lesson? Why?

i chose the lesson that Eddie learns from the Blue Man.
he learns that everything is connected and that their is "no random acts in life" that everything happens for a reason.
I think that we are all connected is a theme very similar to the film we have have studied this year 'Run Lola Run' i think that a lot of people believe that everything happens for a reason in a physical sense but not in a spiritual frame of mind.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ideas of Heaven

What traditional/fairy tale or mythical idea of heaven do you have?
(You do not have to believe in Heaven to have an image of it)
How does the heaven in the novel relate to this?

i think a lot of traditions, fairy tales and myths have an idea that heaven is up in the sky above, in the clouds and their is a golden gate that determines whether you are worthy of entering heaven. if you are, the gate opens, if you are not the gate remaind shut.
some christian beliefs think that sinners who do not ask for forgiveness go to hell or are homosexuals go to hell. But people are buried underground, so maybe heaven is deep underground?

the heaven in the novel does not quite meet the stereotypical elements of what heaven is, but reflecting on your life is something that is often said through traditions, fairy tales and myths of what happens when you go to heaven.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Film Title - Run Lola Run
Lola Run Director - Tom Tykwer
Analyse how one or more of the following helped you understand a main character or individual: - costume, make-up, soundtrack, cinematography or voice.

In the movie "Run Lola Run" directed by Tom Tykwer two very important elements of the film were used to help me to better understand the main character, Lola. Their was the type of cinematography used throughout the film and Lola’s costume which were two key parts that stood out to me in understanding Lola’s individuality.

Firstly, the cinematography used throughout this film was very different from the standard structure of a majority of mainstream films. It used many contemporary editing techniques, camera movements, shots and angles which gave the whole film a modern edge for it’s time and made it stand out in comparison to other, conventional films. A good example of this is the scenes in the opening sequence where the viewer is drawn into an old clock, is then taken to an animated scene which transitions into a birds eye view of a town. The camera movement becomes extremely fast-paced and jumpy where we unexpectantly meet Lola. One camera movement I liked was the 360° turn as she is thinking of who can help her. Her uniqueness ties in well with the distinctive cinematography.

Another key element that helped me understand Lola better was her appearance or the costume design. Her costume gave Lola a rebellious, diverse and determined image. Another part of the costume design was her fiery, red hair which contributed to my understanding that Lola was a passionate, strong willed and dedicated heroine. Unlike your typical emotionally challenged, radiant and damsel in distress female lead of most films. Lola’s scruffy combat trousers, boots, singlet and untamed or wild red hair all add to her abnormal appearance and presence which helped me immensely understand scenes such as the casino scene and why she was discriminated by the other people in the building. To my understanding it was because she, in contrast, did not meet the formal dress code or appearance required by all customers at the casino.

In conclusion, the cinematography used was very distinctive, fast-paced and unusual for the time which is why it matched so well with Lola and her original characteristics and presence and helped immeasurably with my understanding of Lola. There was also the costume design which appropriately and perfectly executed the representation of Lola and her outcast - of - society tactics.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Albom's Website

Albom's Website
What is the main thing that stands out for you in his comments about the real Eddie?
how Eddie never knew how much he was appreciated on earth
Did you realise Eddie was a real person?
No, but most Author's do use some real-life or personal experiences in their writing. actually i think i did know, i read the dedication in the front or back of the novel

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Personal Reflection on my essay writing

August 19th 2007

Response:- What are you like at response essay writng?
Do you feel confident? Explain.
i think for my response essay writing i am only able to pass or get my writing to an achieved level because i am not fully able to thoroughly construct my writing convincingly and with insight (as the achievement criteria states at a merit or excellence level) in a set amount of time. I prefer a more freelance writing enviroment. Therefore my confidence is not at it's best in an external exam situation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Symbolism in film

August 16th 2007

Choose 1 symbol
Explain why you think it is used? What it relates too and your thoughts?
Spiral - i think the spiral is used because it powerfully represents the idea that life is continuous and how everthing we do is somehow interconnected. it is also used in the film as a circular narrative over three alternative realities. this is a powerful device that is cleverly used in this film and relates to the important idea of fate and how our choices affect it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Film Sequences and the main idea.

14th August 2007
How and what does the way the sequence is filmed tell us about a main idea?
The sequence where Lola is thinking to herself of whom can help her get the 100,000 marks relates to the idea that the choices we make affect our fate this is created by showing the domino's on the the television in the background.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Novel : Chapter 1

August 13th
What are your thoughts on these phrases
"All endings are also begginnings" (pg1)
This phrase is very much true for some people (and not just in death) as they come to a particular time in their life where they can make some very big or very small changes. For example someone who has undergone dramatic weight loss may feel that it is the start of a new life for them. Or maybe an alcoholics choice to become sober or perhaps something like the finishing of high school for a student and attending university/ getting your own place to live away from their parents would be a new beggining for them and their independance.

"No story sits by itself" (pg 11)
I was unsure of what this meant but my thoughts on this are that many stories are inter-twined into the one story it is like the theory that one cannot exist without co-existing (in other words we need others to survive) it is an interesting phrase that can have many numerous meanings to it and it makes you think more widely about the topic.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Controlling and Manipulating time.

August 09 2007

What do you think about the idea of 'controlling' or 'manipulating' time?
What if anyting would you change? (personally)

i think that we should leave things as they are because if you try to outrun death it will only catch up with you just like the movie Final Destination 1, 2 & 3 these things are meant to be because that is just the way it is. however it would be cool to slow down time or go back in time and i could better equip my self for what is to come later on.
but personally i would not try to change things because thats the way God made them.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Lola's characteristics

7th August 2007

What do you think are the most important characteristics of Lola and why?
I think Lola's most important characteristics are her philosophical thinking, fitness level, coming from a dysfunctional family and her determination. These characteristics of Lola are what make up her strong and heroic character for example without the hardship of her family she would not have been emotionally strong enough to face other challenges in life. Without her fitness she would not be able to help Manni in a quick enough space of time (20 mins) and her philosophical thinking is something that drives her and what she is passionate about to complete the tasks required of her. Determination is the key to her success in the end.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Key ideas in film & why

6th August 2007
What do you think the key ideas in the film are and why?
I think the key ideas in the film are love copnquers all , love/hate relationships and escaping death which is often confused with fate. the reason why i think this is because of colour symbolism like Lola's red hair, telephone, ambulance and the red filter sequences.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Alternative Realities & Manni + Lola

3rd August 2007
Alternative Realities
Do our choices have that much impact?
This film does in fact show us that our choices do in fact impact on the daily realites of our lives for the characters. However this deals with a fictionis idea that in real life is very much untrue.
Manni + Lola
First Impressions and Why?
Lola is a strong character that turns out to be the female hero or heroine which is a very admirable characteristic that she contains.
Manni on the other hand is presented as the less manly or heroic figure and depends on Lola to help him through all of the alternative realities he has dumb or intellectually challenged characteristics.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Opening Sequence

August 2nd 2007
What did you think of the different narrative tecniques?
I was not used to these narrative techniques but i must admit they are very different and i did in fact enjoy them in the end. i think that the director T. Tylewer cleverly used these techniques in the film and shoul e proud of his excellent usage of them.
What did you think of the style created?
i think the style created through the varied narrative tecniques used gave this film a more action-packed, more interesting and contemporary edge.